Prepare Your Property Before Hiring a Fence Contractor
If you are a business owner, home owner, or own a farm or ranch; you may need the services of a fence contractorto properly secure the perimeter of your property. Fencing in your property can increase its value and add to the attractiveness of the overall landscape. Before hiring a contractor, there are some things you will need to do to prepare your property for fencing installation procedures.
Underground Utilities
Before any digging occurs on your property, the fence company you’ve hired needs to contact TN 811. To avoid any danger to yourself or contractors, TN 811 can tell you if lines have been run underground that could be damaged during the process of setting posts for your fences. Please note, fence companies are not responsible for anything underground that is not recognized by TN 811.
Sprinkler Lines
Often, sprinkler lines can cross over to a neighbor’s property. You should make sure in advance of having fencing done on your property that your heads and lines are inside of your property boundaries. This will save your time and avoid interference with installation of fence lines. If you’re unsure of property boundaries, it’s best to have a survey done beforehand so you’re aware of the property lines. You can request this through a survey company.
Property Pins
Property pins are used to establish your property lines. It is important these pins are positioned correctly and your neighbors are aware of your property boundaries. As stated above, if you’re unsure of property boundaries, it’s best to have a survey done beforehand so you’re aware of the property lines.
If you follow these steps to properly prepare your property for fencing installation procedures, the process of installation should go smoothly and quickly. If you are unsure of what type of fencing you need to purchase, giveAllstar Fence and Deck a call today with questions! We can be reached at (615) 635-8040.